BLOB Column as URL in Oracle APEX



How to work with BLOB and CLOB data using dotConnect for Oracle

This article contains information on how to read and write BLOB and CLOB data (including NCLOB), using the OracleLob class of dotConnect for Oracle.

Java Gossip: 將檔案存入資料庫

對於Oracle 9i前,要儲存資料至Blob/Clob欄位前,JDBC必須先獲得Blob/Clob游標,在實際存入資料前,我們必須先建立空的Blob/Clob欄位,然後從空欄位中取得Blob/Clob游標。

How do I get textual contents from BLOB in Oracle SQL

First of all, you may want to store text in CLOB/NCLOB columns instead of BLOB, which is designed for binary data (your query would work ...

oracle CLOB与BLOB的区别及使用原创

BLOB和CLOB都是大字段类型,BLOB是按二进制来存储的,而CLOB则可以直接存储文字的。在ORACLE数据库中,像图片、文件、音乐等信息就用BLOB字段来存储,先将 ...

Blob Class

The Blob class defines the common properties of objects of type BLOB . A BLOB is a large binary object stored as a column value in a row of a database table ...

Import BLOB - oracle

Import BLOB. A simple method for importing the contents of a file into a BLOB datatype. Related articles. Setup. A directory object is created to point to the ...

Oracle LOB - ADO.NET

Blob, Oracle BLOB 資料類型,包含最大值4 GB 的二進位資料。 這會對應至Byte 型別的Array。 Clob, Oracle CLOB 資料類型,依據伺服器的預設字元集 ...

Oracle 的Blob总结原创

一、oracle中Blob和Clob类型的区别 1.BLOB BLOB全称为二进制大型对象(Binary Large Object)。它用于存储数据库中的大型二进制对象。


LOB類型分為BLOB和CLOB兩種:BLOB即二進位大型物件(Binary Large Object),適用於存貯非文本的位元組流資料(如程式、圖象、影音等)。而CLOB,即字元型大型 ...

BLOB data type

A BLOB (binary large object) is a varying-length binary string that can be up to 2,147,483,647 characters long. Like other binary types, BLOB strings are ...

